Become explosive
Don't miss this opportunity!
Once a year we offer 6 months of training for a big discount. we normally charge $950 for same amount of training sessions. This is a $300 savings!
What do you get?
- Personalized VertiMax training program
- unlimited training sessions
- free vertical testing or speed testing.
This deal will only we around for a limited time! email or text 214-253-9774 and let us know you what the Vertimax deal.

What is Vertimax?
Vertimax is a jump training technology that is specifically designed to increase power in the vertical jump, increase acceleration or improve top end speed.
Hoop Workshop Vertimax training program will target sport specific explosive movements like jumping or running. We will increase leg power and arm swing velocity so athletes can maximize their vertical lift, sprinting speed or over all athletic potential.

We make athletes vision come true.
We develop vertical jump performance and speed that separates you from the competition.
From the professional NBA basketball player to the AAU level, no training equipment will do more to increase the vertical jump and first step quickness while maximizing a basketball player’s abilities to dominate the court. VertiMax will take your jumping ability, offensive and defensive mobility to the highest levels! ( )
Athletic Testing
new athlete / every 6 months
Dynamic Warm up process
Vertical testing
hip flexibility testing
Speed testing
3 Month Vertimax
As low as $13.8 per session
up to 3 training sessions weekly
Personalized VertiMax training
Increase vertical jump
Training sessions last 45 – 60 minutes.
6 Month Unlimited
As low as $9.8 per session
Unlimited training sessions
Personalized VertiMax training
All testing included
Scheduled payment plan